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Progress bar

The dropdown React Carbon component has been tested against the latest W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level A and AA success criteria.

Accessibility considerations

  1. If the progress bar is to show loading of a specific part or region of the application, set aria-busy="true" and aria-describedby="[progressbar-id]" on the related element to ensure assistive technologies can correctly convey this relation to the user.
  2. Only hide the label when it is absolutely clear to the user which process the progress bar represents. Note that you are still required to pass an appropriate label which will be read by screen readers.


Accessibility testing

Automated, manual and screen reader accessibility verification test has been performed on the progress bar React Carbon Component.

Automated test

Automated test environment
- macOS Big Sur version 11.13.1 with VoiceOver
- Chrome version 92.0.4515.131
- IBM Equal Access Accessiblity Checker 3.1.9 - 21 July 2021 ruleset
- Carbon React version 7.42.0
IBM Equal Access Accessiblity Checker:
- No violations